עדכון מוצר - אוקטובר
New features:
New Activity: Recall daily tasks
Introducing an innovative and essential activity designed for all professionals, with special benefits for occupational therapists. This engaging exercise simulates real-world scenarios where participants receive and retain information in various formats, closely mirroring everyday challenges. By practicing these skills, professionals can enhance their ability to support independence and optimize daily functioning, making it a valuable addition to their toolkit.
Improved Activity: Language Comprehension
Based on valuable customer feedback, we’ve enhanced our former ‘auditory comprehension’ activity and reimagined it as ‘Understanding Language’ at multiple levels (word, conjunction, sentence). Now, the professional content that therapists use to support auditory comprehension is also available in text form, enabling comprehensive work on reading comprehension at various levels. This expansion allows therapists to offer versatile, multi-channel language comprehension activities tailored to their clients’ needs.
Comprehension is now Pick the Picture
The former ‘Comprehension’ activity has been rebranded to better reflect its specific task and is now called ‘Pick the Picture.’ This updated name aligns more closely with the activity’s focus, making it easier for professionals to identify and utilize in their practice.
Share self-practice via Email
Users can now share self-practice boards via email directly from the platform
Add card numbers to studio activities
When creating memory pair activities in the studio, you can now number the back of cards.